Eilen käytiin panemassa mökki talvikuntoon .Sää oli kaunis , joskin tuulinen ja melko viileä . Paluumatkalla poikkesimme eräälle näköalapaikalle . Otin muutamia kuvia syksyisestä maisemasta .
We went yesterday to put the cottage for the winter . The weather was beautiful although windy and quite cool . On the way back we had trip to a vintake point . I took some pictures of autumn landscapes .
Its beautiful love the landscape and it does make you feel sad that the seemingly short Summer has come to an end I look forward in great anticipation at your Winter photos.
it's rainy & cold here and we're under frost advisory - and it's only the beginning of october! i think we're in for a lllllooonnngggg winter - ugh!
Its beautiful love the landscape and it does make you feel sad that the seemingly short Summer has come to an end I look forward in great anticipation at your Winter photos.
Lorraine x
Autumn landscape is beautiful!
VastaaPoistaPassed to greet you, your photos are great .I hope to the autumn is good.
VastaaPoistaA kiss from Spain.